Friday 15 April 2022

Birth chart & Self development.

How can you use your birth chart for self-development?

A really good question after a very long time.
Yogi Berra, the famous base-ball coach, said:
“You’ve got to be very careful if you don’t know where you are going, because you might not get there”.
He adds:
“If you don’t know where you are going, you might wind up someplace else.”
So, if you are about to decide upon any course of action, you must have a clear picture, not only of your destination but also of the best rout to reach there, in your mind. Whether it is a matter related to your health, your education, your career, your finances, your family and relationships or any other area of your life, clarity as to your destination or your mission - your true purpose in life - is the condition precedent for a well planned, well organized and meaningful life.
Stephen Hawking, at one time the Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at Cambridge and admittedly the greatest scientific thinker since Sir Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein, said, “…every one should have a broad picture of how the universe operates and our place in it”. Now, Stephen Hawking was a big scientist and an authority on Space and Time and could think in terms of his place in the Universe but I think that the lesser mortals like us should be content knowing our places in the family, the society or the work-place.
Vedic Astrology can help you in this.
Objects of Astrology
Contrary to the popular belief the object of Astrology is not making predictions or fortune telling – it never was. It is to analyze the planetary configurations forming in the skies with reference to the time and place of the birth of a person to identify the specific role he / she is supposed to play in this life and help him / her to fulfill his / her true mission in life by
(i) identifying his / her innate abilities and natural aptitudes at an early stage of life so that an endeavor for optimum development and productive utilization of the same can be made,
(ii) picking out his / her predominant personality traits - particularly those that are likely to cause behavioral problems in life - so that necessary corrective interventions may be administered during his / her formative years,
(iii) having some clarity about the opportunities and constraints (challenges) one is likely to come across from time to time in his / her life and
(iv) planing life in harmony with the flux of time to make it
· well planned,
· well organized,
· free from uncertainties,
· full of self-confidence and
· meaningful.
That is how you can use your birth chart for self development.
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